In all levels of education there will be students with different learning styles, where us teachers will have to create different ways to teach the material. There are visual, auditory and kinesthetic learners which all need different type of teaching styles. In the fall of 2010 I student taught and I had a great experience teaching the students with all three types of learning styles. Visual learners learn better from viewing the material and having visual aids to look at when performing an activity. When I taught the Sport Ed. Model Football unit for the 4th-6th grade co-ed classes, I knew that it would be essential to have visual aids. I put up the rules, different routes, the jobs of the different positions and the jobs on the team (coach, equipment manager, playbook keeper fitness specialist, etc) on all four sides of the gymnasium. I did this for the students to look over while they were in their drills or games to keep the class flowing smoothly and to give the students another way to learn than watching me demonstrate. This also helped myself because I could spend my time physically demonstrating to other students, while other students could be possibly answering their own questions with the visual aids. It was nice when I would overlook my physical education classes watching the students using the visual aids on their own to remember what the receiver patterns. This was only one of the three different learning styles and only one of my ways in my student teaching experience I taught in different ways to meet the needs of the three student learning abilities.
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